a ressaca :: the hangover

Não eramos os únicos representantes de outra bandas de Coimbra na assistência, os Bunny Ranch também lá estavam a apreciar a noite e ainda estivemos no paleio um bocado.

O que acontece depois de duas noitadas? (bem na verdade três mas isso é outra história) começa-se a fazer e a dizer asneiras e portanto achei melhor cancelar os compromissos de gravação de ontem.
Hoje já regressamos ao trabalho com o Roquinho no activo a gravar mais partes de guitarra para a 'Home' e para a '5 A.M.' durante a tarde e eu vou-me enfiar no estúdio para ver se finalmente recupero o tempo perdido e gravo as minhas partes de guitarra. Ainda vou ver se me aventuro nuns teclados... ...se o tempo permitir. Amanhã mais baixo e bateria
Well yesterday we ended up doing nothing and quite frankly it was for the best because i was in
no condition to do any work. Besides spending Sunday night recording with Santiago we also went to see a two band gig Saturday night in a club here in Coimbra. The show only started at about 01h30m A.M. with 'Bruto & the Cannibals' and kept going through the night with the 'Speeding Bullets' we only hit the sack really late. It was worth it because i hadn't seen a rockabilly show in quite a while and Coimbra used to be full with such bands. The atmosphere at these show is always so surreal.

happens after two nights out? (well three but that's another story) your brain turns to jelly and you start to see pictures like the one on the left, so i decided to cancell any recording commitments for Monday.
Today we returned to work with Roquinho laying down some guitar tracks for 'Home' and '5 A.M.' during the afternoon and i'm bound for the studio right after i finish this post to catch up on my guitar work. If all goes well i might even do some keyboards. Tomorrow more drums and bass...

Today we returned to work with Roquinho laying down some guitar tracks for 'Home' and '5 A.M.' during the afternoon and i'm bound for the studio right after i finish this post to catch up on my guitar work. If all goes well i might even do some keyboards. Tomorrow more drums and bass...
grandes profane! eu ja estive ai e sinto saudades a ver essas fotos.. as velhas gravaçoes..
estou ansioso por ouvir esse novo som.. estou a ver 1 2006 promete..
espero q me arranjem entradas pos festivais de verao:)
abraço grande.
Found you too!
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